ISF World Seed Congress 2024

Rotterdam, Netherlands

South Australian Seed Marketers (SASM) specialise in Export & Production of locally grown small seeds including Lucerne (Alfalfa), Haifa White, Subterraneum & Annual Clovers, and Vetch.


Southern Australia is experiencing one of its driest Autumn periods on record with little rainfall at all in the Feb, March, April, and May months. Hay/Silage stockpiles are depleted and there has been no residual paddock forage for months. Autumn sales for fast growing annual species have been solid however perennial sales are well back. Seed production had mixed results with some better than average annual species such as Balansa and Persian Clover. Sub Clover harvest began in January and was hampered by summer storms which affected all early flowering species while the later maturing species yielded quite well. Pasture seed dry sowing is in full swing now as farmers are resounding to the fact that rain most likely won’t fall until June/July which will put a lot of pressure on the need for Spring rainfall to guarantee a volume seed to sell in 2025.
We thank all our export clients for their ongoing support and look forward to continuing to supply quality product from our reliable suppliers here in Australia. We trust you have a successful ISF and 2025 is a strong year for world seed trade.

Regards Jamie Tidy & Joshua Rasheed
Managing Directors
South Australian Seed Marketers

Alfalfa (Lucerne)

(Medicago sativa)

After coming out of the 2023 season with very low stocks of public Alfalfa seed we were hoping for a strong 2024 harvest to replenish the shelves, but unfortunately it will go down as one of our worst harvest since the wet summer of 2011. Our early crops were affected by a very wet summer and fluctuating temperatures, then our late crops had to contend with high seed wasp numbers correlating into higher cleanout at the cleaning shed. As disappointing as it is to have a below average harvest, one shining light is our seed tests and the seed colour are high quality so you can buy with confidence.

Sub Clovers 

(Trifolium Subterraneum)

We have carryover of various Certified and Uncertified varieties. Harvest was below average in the early maturing varieties and average to above average in some of the later varieties. Harvest for these crops continue to be an issue with no new machines available in the market and the most recent machines last produced in the 1980’s. Parts and maintenance are completely reliant on the farmers. Enticing new growers into the industry is an issue.

Annual Clovers 

(Trifolium Michelianum, Trifolium Resupinatum, Trifolium Vesiculosum)

We are nearly sold out with only a small quantity remaining of Balansa, Persian and Arrowleaf Clovers. We are open to forward contracting quantities for 2025 delivery.

Perennial White & Red Clovers 

(Trifolium Repens, Trifolium Pratense)

Very small quantities remaining from 2023/24 crop and taking forward orders for 2025 harvest. Opportunity to place area for proprietary varieties for re-export back to country of origin. We have strong experience in import/export regulations and an experienced seed production team.


(Medicago Polymorpha, Medicago Truncatula, Medicago Scutellata)

Certified and uncertified Cavalier Burr medic is available as well as Sava snail medic and small quantities of Paraggio medic. We have increased the area of Paraggio coming online in 2025.

Perennial Ryegrass 

(Lolium Perenne)

We have some quantities of Certified Nui and Victorian Perennial Ryegrass available for export if required.


Crops produced in the region include:

Brassica Species

Carrot Seed

Contact us to find out about current crops.


Phone: +61 8 8762 1944


South Australian Seed Marketers Pty Ltd

ACN: 008 190 618

ABN: 32 008 190 618

5-7 Alexander Ave, Naracoorte SA 5271